Trumpeter Swan
Trumpeter Swans are a common migrant in spring and fall throughout the state, and fairly common …
Trumpeter Swans are a common migrant in spring and fall throughout the state, and fairly common …
Sprague’s Pipit migration through Nebraska occurs from April to mid-May and mid-September to late …
The Harris’s Sparrow is a common winter resident in the southern and eastern third of Nebraska.
Male Sharp-tailed Grouse gather on dancing grounds known as leks in April and May where they display …
Over 80% of the world’s Sandhill Cranes stopover on the central Platte River Valley, with peak …
The Long-billed Curlew is North America’s largest shorebird and stands out in the grasslands of the …
Greater Prairie-Chickens can be found in extensive patches of tallgrass and mixed-grass prairies, …
This long-legged little owl frequents prairie dog towns and heavily grazed grasslands from April to …
The adult Bald Eagle is easily recognizable across the country with its distinctive white head and …
Nebraska is home to some notable bird species that attract people from around the world to come …