Ponca State Park
This 2,123-acre state park is a must-stop location during peak spring migration when the forests come alive with singing migrant and resident passerines. Warblers, vireos, flycatchers, orioles, Scarlet Tanagers, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, and Ruby-throated Hummingbird are just a few highlights. The park is mostly forested with stands of bur oak, walnut, hackberry and elms; one of the Bur Oaks is more than 350 years old. Here the Missouri River is still unchanneled, resembling its original state with sandbars that offer refuge for shorebirds, including the Piping Plover.
During the summer, watch for Tree Swallows or Eastern Bluebirds using bluebird nesting boxes, Bank Swallows on riverbanks and Cliff Swallows on the limestone cliffs at the boat ramp. In the woods look for Yellow-billed Cuckoos, Eastern Wood-Pewees, Ovenbirds, and Scarlet Tanagers. During the evenings listen for Whip-poor-wills and owls calling.
There are several places where there are scenic overlooks of the Missouri River valley that offer great views of Bald Eagles in winter. Ducks and Snow Geese migrate past along the Missouri River in spring and fall and can be viewed from the Watchable Wildlife Grant funded viewing blind. This state park is the eastern gateway to the 59-mile section of the Missouri National Recreational River, which is recognized as an Important Bird Area of Nebraska providing nesting habitat for Least Terns and Piping Plovers. An education center is located at this State Park and provides information on river ecology and associated animal life.
Where to go in the park
With 22 miles of hiking trails at this park, choose a few to walk along to really experience all the habitats and birds here. The 1-mile Old Oak trail starts at the Old Oak Tree and goes through heavily forested areas and remnant ridge-top prairies. The trail goes past a bur oak tree that was dated to be a seedling in 1644, making it 132 years older than the United States. Along the trail listen for birds like the Scarlet Tanager that often hide in the lush canopy.
If time permits, take the 1-mile Prairie Loop Trail that starts at the Riverfront campground and goes through a restored prairie that consists of more than 125 native plant species. Observe Dickcissels, Field and Grasshopper Sparrows, and Western Meadowlarks singing from a perch in the prairie.
From the last week of February through March visit the park for Marsh Madness. This is an opportunity for anyone to witness a multitude of migratory waterfowl during guided bird blind tours or unguided bird viewings. Common springtime sightings include Pintail, teal, Snow Geese, Greater White-fronted Geese, Wood Ducks, Mallards, Bald Eagles, and more. Contact the park for more information about the annual event.

Site’s notable birds
Birds recently observed
Common birds
Field checklist
888090 Spur 26 E, Ponca, NE 68770
42.590505, -96.712570
Bathrooms, multi-use trails, campgrounds, lodging, education center, golf course
(402) 755-2284
Ecological region
Tallgrass prairie
Nearby community
Ponca, Nebraska